Cari amici… ogni settimana cercheremo, in occasione di un evento speciale o di un’importante ricorrenza, di fare una piccola sessione. Potrete trovare uno o più link per scaricare tanti giochi, utility o demo dedicate al nostro amico Commodore 64.
In questi 2 anni abbiamo archiviato tanto materiale proveniente perlopiù da dumping da disco, ma molto è ancora da condividere e così abbiamo pensato di creare appositi backup in modo da accontentare le tante richieste ricevute.
E allora iniziamo con la prima ricorrenza, e sicuramente la più bella di tutti.. era il 4 Giugno del 2006 e nasceva a Roma mia figlia Carlotta.

Oggi in occasione del suo compleanno inauguriamo la nostra iniziativa… 🙂 La nostra Super Carlotta, futura astronauta e esploratrice di nuovi mondi compie 14 anni e tutto lo tutto lo staff del DumpClub64 si stringe intorno a lei. Cara Carlotta il compleanno è un giorno importante ma tu sei importante per noi ogni giorno!! Il nostro augurio è che tu possa sempre essere una donna libera e realizzare tutti i suoi sogni. Ti vogliamo bene!!!

Questa la lista dei programmi preservati:
A.P.B., Graverace, Twister!, Xis.d64
Alf in the color cave, Black Thunder, Eddie Kidd Jump Challenge, Jukebox 64738, Lex Feareon.d64
Alien Syndrome (1988)(Sega)(Side A)[cr Legend].d64
Alien Syndrome (1988)(Sega)(Side B), Beach Buggy Simulator,Beyond The Ice Palace, Bridge Player II.d64
Aliens (1986)(Activision)[cr TLC][a35].d64
Almazz, Jet Power Jack, The Young Ones, Mancopter, Mr Wiz.d64
Arc Aid v6.0, Nemesis The Warlock, Utility.d64
Archon II, Bubble Bobble, Bubbla Bobbla.d64
Bangkok Knights (1987)(System 3)(Side 1).d64
Bangkok Knights (1987)(System 3)(Side 2).d64
Battle Chess (1989)(Interplay)(Side A)[cr NEC][h Crazy].d64
Battle Chess (1989)(Interplay)(Side B).d64
Beach-Head, Suicide Strike, Motocross, Astro Chase, Skramble, Jungle Hunt.d64
Bionic Commando – US Version, Mickey Mouse, Pogo Stick Olympics, Nefarius.d64
Blazing Paddles (1984).d64
Blood Valley (1988)(Gremlin Graphics)(M3)[cr F4CG][h].d64
Blood Valley (1988)(Gremlin Graphics)(M3)[cr F4CG][h]_2.d64
Blue Print, Hunch Back, Decathlon, Squish ‘em, Popeye, House of Husher, Necromancer, Space Shuttle.d64
BMX Freestyle Simulator, Rally Cross, Syntax.d64
BMX Frestyle, Rally Cross, Century Notemaker v1 e v2, Logo Editor.d64
Bomb Jack, Chess 7.0, Pitfall!,Track & Field.d64
Boulder Dash, Master Of Lamps, Grand Master, Toy Bizarre, Falcon Patrol 2, Punchy, Monster Smash.D64
Bruce Lee, Quinx, 3D Scramble, Car Crash, Eidolon.d64
Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show (1989)(Tynesoft)[cr Paninaro][h].d64
Burger Time, Commando, Fort Apocalypse, Pit Stop, Choplifter, Lander.d64
C64-Burnin Test (19xx)(-).d64
Cad 64, Lex Feareon.d64
Cad Cam Warrior, Stealth, Hunch Back II, Cavelon II.d64
Cauldron (1985)(Palace Software)[cr SoftPier].d64
Caverns of Khafka, Pinball Wizard, Where’s My Bones, Gyropod.d64
Chessmaster 2000, The (1986)(Software Toolworks)(Side A)[a8].d64
Chomp! (1989)(Cosmi)[cr INC+HTL][f PAL].d64
Ciphoid 9, Dropzone, Super Pipeline II, Pastfinder.d64
Combat Crazy (1989)(Silverbird)[cr Ikari][t +8 Ikari].d64
Combat Crazy, Star Paws.d64
Commando – Beach Head (War) – Ghostbusters.d64
Commodisk #16.d64
Commodisk #17.d64
Commodisk #18.d64
Commodisk #19.d64
Commodisk Special.d64
Conan (1984)(Datasoft)(Side A)[cr The Pro].d64
Conan (1984)(Datasoft)(Side B)[a3].d64
Contra, Strike Force Cobra.d64
Copiatori 85 (side 1).d64
Copiatori 85 (side 2).d64
Copy Q II.d64
CP-M Emulator v2.2.d64
Cristal Castles, The Sentinel, Match Day, Shockway Raider.d64
Daley Thompson’s Olympic Challenge (1988)(Ocean)(side 1)[cr Shinig].d64
Daley Thompson’s Olympic Challenge (1988)(Ocean)(side 2)[cr Shinig 8][h].d64
Daley Thompson’s Olympic Challenge (1988)(Ocean)(side 2)[cr Shinig].d64
Di-Sector V3.0c (1988) (JCE).d64
DiRed (Mod.7400) Rev.85-A64.d64
Disk Drive Test Utilities e Demo (Commodore).d64
Dolphin Force, Fightmare Mission, Monster Station, Kane II, Battle Station.d64
Double Dragon (1989)(Melbourne House)[cr HTL][t +4 HTL].d64
Dragonhawk, Arabian Nights, Snoopy, Worms.D64
Drelbs, Break Dance, Star Wars, Solo Flight.d64
Easy Script – Vizawrite 64 – Calc Result (ITA).d64
Echelon (1987)(Access Software)(Side A)[a3].d64
Echelon (1987)(Access Software)(Side B)[a3].d64
Electrocad V1.4, Picture-Tune, Mission One.d64
Empire Strikes Back, Graphic Editor, Pro Golf 1, Pro Golf 2.d64
Entombed (1985)(Ultimate)[cr SoftPier].d64
Entombed, Raid on Bungeling Bay, Zenji, Frogger II, Juno First.d64
Fast Hack em V2.0A e Utility.d64
Fighter Soccer (1988)(Activision)[cr Exodus – Illusion][h IBB].d64
Flight Simulator 3 (1984)(Sublogic).d64
Forbidden Forest, Donkey Kong, Chinese Juggler, Pole Position, BC’s Quest for Tires, Falcon Sys16640, Hunch Back.d64
Forgotten Worlds (1989)(U.S. Gold).d64
Frack 64, Shoot The Rapids, Grog’s Revenge, Brinx Jinx.d64
Frecce, Punto!, Trainer, Capriole, Assault Man, Strip Poker, Totocalcio a correzioni.d64
Fred, Robin Hood, Pengo, Poster Paster, Hot Shot.d64
G.P. Tennis Manager (1990) (Simulmondo).d64
Galactica, Aree, Ragno, Flipper.d64
Games Disk #03 (19xx)(-)(Side A).d64
Games Disk #03 (19xx)(-)(Side B).d64
Games Disk #06 (19xx)(-)(Side A).d64
Games Disk #06 (19xx)(-)(Side B).d64
Games Disk #07 (19xx)(-)(Side A).d64
Games Disk #07 (19xx)(-)(Side B).d64
Games Disk #09 (19xx)(-)(Side A).d64
Games Disk #09 (19xx)(-)(Side B).d64
Games Disk #25 (19xx)(-)(Side B).d64
Gauntlet II (1986)(U.S. Gold)[cr The Shadow][t +3 The Shadow].d64
Gauntlet II (1986)(U.S. Gold)[cr The Shadow][t +3 The Shadow][Alt].d64
Geos Addon.d64
Geos v1.2 (Side 1).d64
Geos v1.2 (Side 2).d64
Ghostbusters, Patience, Rat Race, Grid Trap, International Basketball, Trolls and Tribulations.d64
Gilbert, Graverace, Project Sharkk, Power Pyramids.d64
Gothik, Who Dares Wins 3, Commodore Vs Atari, Cozmix’s Bezt II (Demo).d64
Growing Pains of Adrian Mole.d64
Gun Runner, Gobots, I.Ball.d64
Gyroscope Construction Set – Simbad.d64
Home Video Producer (1988) (Epyx)(side 1).d64
Home Video Producer (1988) (Epyx)(Side 2).d64
Hostages (1989) (Infogrames) [cr Nato].d64
Hot Shot, Daley Thompson’s Olympic Challenge, On Tour (demo).d64
Hot Wheels (1985)(Epyx)[h].d64
Il finimondo – Dei Greci – Max Headroom (BAD)- Dam Buster.d64
Infiltrator (1986)(U.S. Gold)(Side A)[cr ACE][h Niwa].d64
Infiltrator (1986)(U.S. Gold)(Side B)[a31].d64
Infiltrator Part II – The Next Day (1988)(U.S. Gold)(Side A)[cr ESI][h].d64
Infiltrator Part II – The Next Day (1988)(U.S. Gold)(Side B)[cr ESI].d64
Inherits of the Throne v2.0 (1992)(German Design Group)[cr TSM+PAN][a4].d64
Inhertiance, Why Isepic V2.5, Synth Sample IV, Game Killer.d64
International Karate – One on One.d64
International Team Sports (1989)(Mindscape)(Side 1)[cr ICS].d64
International Team Sports (1989)(Mindscape)(Side 2)[cr ICS].d64
Isepic Test Disk.d64
Isepic V1.1, File Copy, Why Isepic.d64
Juice, Shamus, Biliards, Puc-Man, Blue Max, Zaxxon, International Soccer, Labyrinth.d64
Karate Champ (1985)(Data East)[cr Topps].d64
Karateka (1985)(Br�derbund).d64
Kawasaki Synthesiser, The Sentry v1.0, Copiatori.d64
Keys to Maramon, The (1991)(Mindcraft)(Side A)[cr BDC].d64
Keys to Maramon, The (1991)(Mindcraft)(Side B)[cr BDC].d64
Leonardo, Jeremias Ratterflatter.d64
Leonardo, Sqij, Air Ball, Graverace.d64
Live and Let Die (1988)(Elite)[h MAKSoft].d64
Lode Runner (1983)(Broderbund).d64
Macumba Compilation.d64
Match Point, Indiana Jones in the Lost Kingdom, Crash, Donald Duck.d64
MMC-Microcomputer #1 (1986).d64
Monty Mole (1984)(Gremlin Graphics).d64
Movie Maker (1984)(IPS)(Side 1)[a3].d64
Movie Maker (1984)(IPS)(Side 2)[a5].d64
MoziCart Music Disk (1989).d64
Mr. Do’s Castle, Roland Rat Race, Gates Of Dawn.d64
NFL Bookie, Blindflug Training, Romulus Inst., Hotpop!.d64
Nibble Hack em.d64
Ninja Massacre (1989)(Codemasters)[cr Cosmos].d64
Ole – Eidolon – Gener Raider.d64
Ole!, International Karate, Barbarian, Arkanoid II.d64
Olimpiadi Bianche (Side 1) (Winter Olympiad ’88 (1988)(Tynesoft)).d64
Olimpiadi Bianche (Side 2) (Winter Olympiad ’88 (1988)(Tynesoft)).d64
Oma Copy System.d64
Operation Wolf (1988)(Ocean)[cr Blasters][t +4 Blasters][a3].d64
Operation Wolf (1988)(Ocean)[cr Blasters][t +4 Blasters][h].d64
Out Run (1988)(US Gold)(Side 1)[cr BB].d64
Out Run (1988)(US Gold)(Side 2)[cr BB].d64
P.O.D. Proof of Destruction, Nememix, Controls Df 2187, Oroscopo di Natale.d64
Painter Boy, Auf Wiedersehen Monty, Romulus.d64
Phobia (1989) (Mirror Soft)[cr Fresh].d64
Pier Utility.d64
Pink Panther, Stunt Bike Simulator, To Hell and Back, Metalwars Preview.d64
Pitstop II (1984)(Epyx).d64
Platoon (1987)(Ocean)[h Diablo].d64
Platoon (1987)(Ocean)[h].d64
Potty Pigeon, Sentinel, Fire Quest, Orange Squash 2073.d64
Power Pyramids, Pac-Land, Gunstar.d64
Power Pyramids, Project Sharkk, Pulsar.d64
Predator (1988)(Activision)[cr Triad][t +6 Triad].d64
Predator (1988)(Activision)[cr Triad][t +6 Triad]_2.d64
Program Disk Mirko Vicano.d64
Rainbow Islands (1990)(Ocean).d64
Rambo, Scalextric, Commando.d64
Rick Dangerous, Citadel, Public Domain, Predictable, 4-Track Drummer.d64
Road Blasters (1988)(US Gold)[cr Cosmos].d64
Road Warrior, Ali Baba, Flower Man, Omega Writer, Pandora.d64
Robocop (1989)(Ocean).d64
Salamander (1988)(Imagine – Konami)[cr Ikari][t +2 Ikari].d64
Salamander (1988)(Imagine).d64
Sargon III (1984)(Side 1).d64
Sargon III (1984)(Side 2).d64
Scorpio, Tank Attack, Soccer Supremo.d64
Scuba Dives, Ski Race, Centropods, Dragon’s Den, Gridrunner, Boga Boo, Fliyng Ace, Biliardo, Turbo Tape.d64
Serpentone, Imbianchino, Forza 4, Starway.d64
Shoot Em Up Construction Kit (1987)(Outlaw Productions)(cr.F4CG).d64
Silent Service (1985)(MicroProse).d64
Silent Service (1985)(MicroProse)[a].d64
Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon (1988)(Cinemaware)(Side A)[cr ESI – Ikari][h].d64
Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon (1988)(Cinemaware)(Side B)[cr ESI – Ikari][h].d64
Skull, Silicon Warrior, Impossible Mission, Tapper, ChooperCommand.d64
Sky Fox, Bmx Racer II, Bubble Burst.d64
Space Taxi (1984)(Muse Software)[cr HJD].d64
Speed Disk, Speed Copy, Duplicator, Byte-Compactor, Tape, Connection Sdos.d64
Speeddos Utility by Angelo.d64
Spirit of the Stone, Flyerfox, Hyper Circuit, Raid Over Moscow.d64
Spy Hunter, International Tennis, Handball Maradona, Caesar The Cat, Final Conquest Cargo Run, Siege.d64
Star Paws, Cosmonut, Triaxos, Calvin.d64
Stifflip, Barbarian (Part I e II).d64
Stifflip, Enclave, Voidrun DOX, Head Over Heels DOX, Milk Race DOX.d64
Stifflip, Gun Runner, Gobots, Final Synth Sample I.d64
Storm Warrior, Jaws (UK), A.T.F., Project Sharkk.d64
Street Fighter – US Version (1988)(Capcom)[cr Ikari][t +1 Ikari].d64
Street Sports Basketball (1987)(Epyx)[cr XPB][a6].d64
Street Sports Basketball (1987)(Epyx)[cr XPB][a7].d64
Strip Poker (1984)(Artworx Software)[h].d64
Strip Poker, Pitfall II, H.E.R.O., Attack of the Phantom Karate Devils.d64
Summer Games II (1985)(Epyx)(Side A) (cr The Joker).d64
Summer Games II (1985)(Epyx)(Side B) (cr The Joker).d64
Summer Olympiad (1988)(Tynesoft)[cr Wizax][a].d64
Sun Star, Indiana Trouble, Elevator Action, Utility.d64
Super Golf, Sqij, Zonal Patrol, Burger Riot.d64
Super Zaxxon, Mario Bros, The Flinstones, Park Patrol.d64
SuperBowl XX, Visitors, Rudy the rat.d64
Syntax, Whizz-Kid, Sky (demo), Amok Music (Demo), Sex’n’crime #005, Future Composer 4.0.d64
Target Renegade, A.P.B., Calvin.d64
Test Drive (1987)(Accolade)(Side A)[cr ESI][a49].d64
Test Drive (1987)(Accolade)(Side A)[cr ESI][a50].d64
Test Drive (1987)(Accolade)(Side B)[cr ESI][a5].d64
The Fall Guy, Peter Beardsley’s International Football German, Dizzy, Dolphin Force.d64
The Goonies (1985)(Datasoft).d64
The Last Ninja (1987)(System 3)(Side A)[cr Triad][t +2 Triad][a4][h2].d64
The Last Ninja (1987)(System 3)(Side A)[cr Triad][t +2 Triad][a4][h].d64
The Last Ninja (1987)(System 3)(Side B)[cr Triad][t +2 Triad][a4].d64
The Last Ninja (1987)(System 3)(Side B)[cr Triad][t +2 Triad][a4][h2].d64
The Last one.d64
Thunder Light, Imperium, Amadeus Revenge, Atlantis, Bodela Rax.d64
Time Scanner (1989)(Activision)[cr ICS] – Action Ball.d64
Tom & Jerry – Hunting High and Low (1989)(Magic Bytes)(Cr Gemany Elite).d64
Tot Professional (Side 1).d64
Tot Professional (Side 2).d64
Tot Professional.d64
Tot Revolution (Side 2).d64
Tot Revolution.d64
Totocalcio e Totip Compilation.d64
Tour de France (1985)(Activision)(fr)(Side A).d64
Turbonibbler 4.0, Game Music.d64
Tutto Commodore #09 (Dicembre 1987-Gennaio 1988)(Lato 1).d64
Tutto Commodore #09 (Dicembre 1987-Gennaio 1988)(Lato 2).d64
Vindicator – Green Beret 2 (1988)(-)[cr Cosmos][t +1 Cosmos].d64
Werewolves, Vector Ball, Chubby Gristle, Strike!, Thanatos.d64
Whizz-Kid, Gilbert, Kick Off (ITA), Scorpio , Balloon Raid.d64
Win, Lose or Draw junior (Hi-Tec Software)(Side A)[cr ICS].d64
Winter Edition (Side C).d64
Winter Edition (Side D).d64
Winter Games (1985)(Epyx)(Side A)[h MIWA].d64
Winter Games (1985)(Epyx)(Side B)[h MIWA].d64
Winter Games (1985)(Epyx)(Side C)[h MIWA].d64
Wonderboy, Bazooka Bill, Bmx Simulator.d64
Zone Ranger, Moon Buggy, Relax, Humpty in the Garden, Moon Shuttle, Car Crash, Smurf Rescue.d64
_BAD_Summer Games (1984)(Epyx).d64
_BAD_Summer Games II (1985)(Epyx)(Side 1)[cr Fantasoft].d64
_BAD_Summer Games II (1985)(Epyx)(Side 2)[cr Fantasoft].d64
_BAD_Turrican II – The Final Fight (1991)(Rainbow Arts)(Side A).d64
_BAD_Way of the Exploding Fist, The (1985)(Melbourne House).d64
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