Mi sentivo come il Capitano Frank Towns nel film “The Flight of the Phoenix”, (il volo della Fenice), quando dopo più di due mesi di lavoro avevo terminato il dumping della 33.ma Sessione e finalmente poteva essere messa online. Una sessione faticosa, molto impegnativa, circa 200 floppy dumpati su tutte e due i lati, ma che poi si sono rilevati un autentica risorsa. Tanti i programmi inediti mai dumpati, che sicuramente arricchiranno le pagine di Special Press Play Again, e tantissimi altri programmi più o meno rari. I floppy erano stati acquistati diversi anni fa, ma solo ultimamente ho scoperto che erano di proprietà del mio amico Daniele in arte Soft Dany. Nel suo quartier generale ( Latidutine 40°54’55″44 N , Longitudine 14°47’22″56 E) aveva un covo segreto, lì, tra righe di codice e server fumanti, teneva il suo tesoro digitale, credeva che la pirateria potesse essere divertente e amichevole, la sua bandiera non aveva teschi e ossa, il suo vascello era la Cagiva Mito.
Daniele dopotutto era un pirata moderno.
Con molto piacere dedichiamo questa sessione a lui, un altra piccola storia Italiana preservata, quindi alza la bandiera nera e tieni stretto il tuo cappello da marinaio… si parte !!!

Elenco dei programmi preservati prima parte. Per scaricare clicca qui !
3D Perspectives – Movie Creator
ADJ Musica-1
ADJ Musica-2
Aegean Voyage, Buger Chase, Caesar The Cat, 1994, Jawbreaker, Felix In The Fac, Moby Dick, Tooth Invaders, Crazy Caveman, Dancing Monster
Alcazar, Endless, Dan Dare
Apoloxy, Cesar, Grid, OBY1
Arcadia 64, Shaft Raider-1, Juno First, Triad, Zenon, Avenger
Archivio Plus 1.0
Ark Pandora, Biggles
Arkanoid, Masters Arcade, Armourdillo
Attacco Aereo, Campionato Figc, Dinastopoli, Memory Alfa Iv, Agenda 64, Bilancio Familiare
Barbie Speach, Snoopy Red Baron, Bowling, Hardware Tester, Hyper Circuit
Baseball, Ole, Olympic Skie, Up’n’down, Volleyball
Big Bird’s Special Delivery, Ice Cream, Gest.Serie A, Mediterraneo, Toto Master, Music Master
Blade of Blackpoole
Bmt Runner, Ueeh!, Giancarlo Giardi, Dragons, Dedalo, Hodman
Bomb Jack II, Mutants, Wonder Boy
Bounty Bob, Tropical Fever, Boulder Dash, Spider’s Attak
Castle Of Terror, Who Dares Wins, Sorcery
Cauldron II
CBM 1541 Drive
Chess 7.0
Coca-Time, Keplero, Alfredo Break, Break Dance, Avenger, Trappola, Coldiz [a]
Coca-Time, Keplero, Alfredo Break, Break Dance, Avenger, Trappola, Coldiz
D-Bug, Alice in Videoland
Dama, Gioco Del 21,Patience, Match Maker Game,Tobola Napoli Sam
Dan Dare, Solo Flight, Over The Rainbow
Dante’s Inferno, Bombo, Return of the Space Warriors
Dip Diver, Mamba #019, Mamba #20
Disco n.04A – Spy’s Demise 2, Matchmaker Game, Enduro, Gioco Del 21, Tomarc Game, Rollin, H.E.R.O., House Of Usher
Disco n.04B – Star Trek 2, Miss Pacman, Tot13 Lm, Totip,Supertotip64, Ardy, Twin Kingdom V., Chuckie Egg
Disco n.08A – Kleopatra, Java Jim, The Chatter, Bandit, Ah Diddums, Stalag
Disco n.08B – it’s only Rock’n’roll, Ape Craze, G-Force, Android 2, Golf 64
Disco n.10A – Tombola Parlante, Etarip, P.C. Fuzz, Montezuma, Mag Max, Totoplus, Totocalcio
Disco n.10B – High Noon
Disco n.13A – Raid on Bungeling Bay, Circus, Beaky and the Egg Snatchers
Disco n.19A – Jumpman, Speed king
Disco n.24A – Wavy Navy, Genesis, James Bond, Beam Rider, Zaxxon, Defender
Disco n.24B – Purple Turtles, Grid Trap, Caesar The Cat, Mr.Wimpy, Robin Rescue, Pitfall, Galaxions, Cohen’s Tower
Disco n.28B – Robbers of the Lost Tomb, Zim Sala Bim, Centipede, Speed Racer
Disco n.31A – Moon Patrol, Stranded, Fred, Flak
Disco n.31B – Game Designer, Turtle Graphics,Delta Drawing, Turtle Graph. Ii,Sketch & Paint, Ultrabasic Ii, Scribbler
Disco n.33A – In Search of the Most Amazing Thing
Disco n.33B – Dunzhin – Suicide Express – Labyrinth
Disco n.35A – Rollie Wallie, Gilligans Gold, Alfin the colors Cave, Cosmic Cruiser [a]
Disco n.35A – Rollie Wallie, Gilligans Gold, Alfin the colors Cave, Cosmic Cruiser
Disco n.35B – Lancer Lords, Blue Thunder, Killer Watt, Omega Race, Hard Hat Mack, Cyberman, Ambush [a]
Disco n.35B – Lancer Lords, Blue Thunder, Killer Watt, Omega Race, Hard Hat Mack, Cyberman, Ambush
Disco n.37A – Parole Crociate, L’impiccato, Torre Di Hanoy, Vocabolario, Bioritmo 64, Inglese, Telengard, Music Master, Cred-64, Time Runner, Hover Bover [a]
Disco n.37A – Parole Crociate, L’impiccato, Torre Di Hanoy, Vocabolario, Bioritmo 64, Inglese, Telengard, Music Master, Cred-64, Time Runner, Hover Bover
Disco n.37B – Test Card, B1 Bomber, Ultra Basic Cbm64, Superdodato, Sceriffo, Grave Robbers, Star Trek (It) ,Gara Di Sci, Scramble 64, Martian, Star Battle, Midway [a]
Disco n.37B -Test Card, B1 Bomber, Ultra Basic Cbm64, Superdodato, Sceriffo, Grave Robbers, Star Trek (It) ,Gara Di Sci, Scramble 64, Martian, Star Battle, Midway
Disco n.38A – Siri, Neptune’s Daughters, Ricettario, Piano, Master Mind, Othello (Ita), Domino 64, Diete Calibrate, Detective, Zenji, Bioritmi
Disco n.38B – Concentration, Snake Pit, Bangers And Mash, Crucipuzzle, Moondust, Nukewar, Poker, Tot. Modif., Algol, Osero, Rally, Simon, Sam, Nf Velocizzato
Disco n.40B – Zenon, Wall Street, Quasimodo, Alien [a]
Disco n.40B – Zenon, Wall Street, Quasimodo, Alien
Disco n.41 – Rocket Roger, Chiller, River Rescue, Juno First, Dr Pimple’s Dog, Clowns (J)
Disco n.41A – C64 Christmas demo, Cyclons, Rescue Squad, Mega Warz, Flyng Ace, Bristles
Disco n.41A – Shaft Raider, Battle for Normandy, Splat, Red Alert
Disco n.41B – Quak Attack, Kensington, Mychess 2.0, Bmx Racers, Polyp From Pluto
Disco n.41B – Rocket Roger, Chiller, River Rescue, Juno First, Mr Pimple, Clowns (J) [a]
Disco n.42A – Battle Through Time, Star Trader, Barmy Builders
Disco n.42B – Siege, Tank Atak, Planet Rover, Rupert and the Toy Maker’s Party, Hunter Patrol, Lands Of Havoc, Xerons
Disco n.42B – The Wizard Of Akyrz, Spare Change, Damsel in Distress, Mummy’s Tomb, Snackman, Felix in the Factory
Disco n.44A – Just imagine (Side 1)
Disco n.44B – Just imagine (Side 2)
Disco n.44B – Warlok, Slalom (Tronix), Sea Wolf, La favolosa Wanda, Magic Hand, Hardhat Climber, Hunter On Ice, Keno, Vultures
Disco n.57A – Congo Bongo (Sega), Sentinel
Disco n.57B – Hell Cat Ace, Poster Paster, Fastdriver
Disco n.57B – Poor Wizard, Arac, Mind Control, Basic 4.0, Punchy
Disco n.58B – Lode Runner Jr., Bear Tread, Smuggler, Lo Spazzino, Mister Pixels
Disco n.62A – Congo Bongo (Sega), Sentinel
Disco n.62B – Hell Cat Ace, Cosmic Cruiser, Donkey Kong Jr., The Scrolls of Abadon
Disco n.96A – Gammaron, Big Ben, Star Trouper
Disco n.96B – Stunt Car, Ghost, Masterfile Iii, Simulator, Summer Games
Diskbusters v1.0
Doodle II, Games Creator, Electronic C.Set
Dos ‘Vader
Equinox, I.C.U.P.S., N.O.M.A.D., One Bite Too Deep
Flipper, E T Puzzle, Crucipuzzle, Domino, Slot Machine,Wargame, Boswain, Mistero a Villa Martini, Togo, Slinky, Enduro, Bobo, Tombola
Floppy News 10 – Speciale Scuola (Lato A)
Floppy News 10 – Speciale Scuola (Lato B)
Flying Ace, Time Crystal, Zone Ranger, Jump Jet
Galy, Take Off, Killing, Terra Out, Man On Ice,Assedio
Gamers Guide #15
Genesis, Gammaron,Turmoil,Robotron 2004, Matrix, Jet Pac, Jupiter Lander, Cargo Run
Ghemon One, Coldiz, Dark Star, Attacco Klingoni, Gli Uvi, Spazio 3001, Pred Dello Spazi, Cyborg, Finimondo, Starway
Ghost Ship, Gobbo Alle Olimp, Galassia, Soccer Iv, Heatrowearty, Pegaso
Glider Rider, Surfchamp, Strike Force Cobra, Powerstation
Godzilla, Dinky Doo, Poster Paster, Cuthbert Tombs,Polarizzazione T
Guida Commodore 64 [a]
Guida Commodore 64
Gumball, Pooyan, Gun Dogs, Brian Bloodaxe
Hacker II, Ninja Master, Sigla contruction Kit
Heathrow Air Traffic Control – Micro Olympics
Heatrowearty, Traffi, Micro Olympics, Merlin
Highland Games (1987)
Hz Simulator, The Dam Busters, Damain, Battle Of Midway
I Volti Del Mistero, Rocket Team, Pedemania, Zona Sei, The Madeness, Onicron
Ice Cream, Gestione Serie A, Iridis Alpha, Mission A.D
Il Duello, Spazio 2000, Voyanger, Pecora Volante, Base Stellare, Gran Prix, Organo, Calcolatrice
Il Pinguino, Boss Il Clown, Tubature, Dracula, Missione Vitale, Totopronostico, Ghemon One
Infiltrator, Dragon’s Lair II
Jukebox, Pedro, Congo Bongo, Lazy Jones, Pac Man (Atari), Pengo
Jungle Quest, Broad Street, Alley Cat
Jungle Story, Phantom Karate Devils, Nibly, Ring Of Power, Gyropod, Mangrove, Tank Atak
Kinetic Adverts
L’idolo D’oro, Challenge Atletica Medioev Bersagli
Lancelot, Mario E I Mostri, La Fata, Dragon
Le Sette Prove, Pancio, Sci Nautico 3D, Spongey, Astro Gun, Thriller
Lista Lc 1-1338, Storia 1-2-3, Scritte Scorrevoli
Lode Runner
Lupo Alberto (1990) (Idea)
Maxi Archivio e utility
Micropainter, Kinetic Adverts, Hollywood or Bust, Partygirls, Toto Master
Monorotaia, Treni, Ragno, Vigile, Forza 4, Tombola Napolet, Solitario, Poker, Copia Disco
Movie Studio (pre-Release)
Mr. Wimpy, 64 Nuclear Power Plant, Daley Thompson’s Decathlon, WarGames, Survivor, Save Me Brave Knight
Music Disc
North e South, Madness, Chubbie Chester
Operation Whirlwind (1984)
Pacos Pete
Paroliamo, Diet Planner, Previs Della Vit, Bioritmi, Peso Ideale, Infarto, Controllo Peso, I Ching, Music Editor, I Miei Amici, Diagnosi, Decidere, Generatori Ritmi, African Adventure
Ping Pong, Five A Side Football, Pitstop Ii, Hyper Biker
Play Golf (1987)(1 Step Software)
Police Cadet v1.1b (1986) (Artworx)
Predatore, Circo 2, Pennellone, Leone Aureo, Meteoriti, La Vita, Crazy Rubber
Pure-Byte Music Disc
Quick Format, Routines Grafiche, Sprite Drawer, Creazione Di Car, Grafici 3D
R.B.I. 2 Baseball, Speedball 2
Rack’em Up, Pengo, Oil’s Well
Red Alert, Nemici, Golen, Incursione, Amico Fantasma
Robbers of the lost tomb, Zim Sala Bim, Centipede, Speed Racer
Robin Of Wood, Knight Rider, Sumo Wrestlers, Alcazar
Rocky Horror Show, Sam’s Jam, Popeye II, Hebert’s Run
Roulette, Decidere, Super Tombola, Anatomia 64, Laser Zone, Duel Boot, E.V.Black Jack
RTTY Terminal Emulator v4.4
S-Force II, Cosmos 2000, Didac-Archivio
Sauron Utilty Disk#1
Sauron Utilty Disk#2
Sauron Utilty Disk#3
Shadow Fax, Radar Rat Race, Jumpeman Junior, Little Icarus, Clowns, Maze Man, Cave Fighter, O’riley’s Mine, Ducks Ahoy
Slap Shot, Big Top Barney Megazone
Snokie, Cuddly Cuburt, Ossido Kid, Pharaoh’s Curse, Bagitman, Gridder
Softpier cazzate
Speed Copy e utility
Storia 1-2-3, Hacker II
Strike Force Harrier, W.A.R., Sceptical II
Strip Poker III, Caverns of Sillahc
Summer Games
Super Ping-Pong, Ghosts’n Goblins, Space Aliens, Super Pipeline 2, Tanx
Super Stroker
Super Vic & C64 (Side 1)
Super Vic & C64 (Side 2)
Sword & Rose, Wild Blood preview, Rs International Cricket, Mastermind, Soccer Rival, X-Out 2
Talladega, Baseball, Arcana, Gridder
Tex Willer, The Heist, Dino Eggs, Jet-Boot Jack, Break Dance
The Quest, B1 Bomber Game, Grave Robbers, The Ring Of Power, Azetec Tomb
Thing On Spring, Chuckie Egg
Utility Grafica#1
Utilty Disk#1
V Solar System, Macchine, Istogrammi 3D, Mappa Europea,Vocabolario 6, Playfyl Professor, Bingo Match,Kawasaki R&R
Wargames II, Geography ,Battle Of Midway, Blue Max 2, Aqua Racer
Wargames II, Geography, Battle Of Midway, Blue Max 2, Aqua Racer
Who Dares Wins
Elenco dei programmi preservati seconda parte. Per scaricare clicca qui !
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911 Tiger Shark, Mancopters, Roland’s Ratrace, B.C.Bil
Alice in Videoland (1984)(Audiogenic)
Alien Brood, Dragonhawk, Thunder Bombs, Pegasis, Pharaoh’s Course, 7 E Mezzo, Briscola
ATO Commander (1984)(MicroProse)(cr)
Attacco Aereo, Guerra Subacque, Porsche!, Memory Alfa IV, Agenda 64
Balletje Balletje, Memory, Star Raider II, Hubbard Hacks, Sadism Game
Beach-Head III, PSI Warrior, Star Soldier
Blazing Joy
Blazing Paddles (1984)
Blood and Guts (1986)(American Action)(Side A)
Blood and Guts (1986)(American Action)(Side B)
Boggit, The (1986)(CRL)
Buck Rogers, Star Trooper, Skramble, Quasar, Revenge of the Mutant Camels, Skramble
Cavelon, Pitfall, Pitfall II, Mr Mephisto, Hunch Back, Forbidden Forest
Championship Boxing (1985)(Sierra Online)(cr)
Chatterbee (1984)(Tronix)
Checkers 2.1, Mancopter, Smurf, Boulder Dash II
Chess 7.0 (1983)(Odesta)
Commando 86, Shao Lin’s Road, Sport of Kings, Game with No Name
Conan (1984)(Datasoft)(Side A)
Conan (1984)(Datasoft)(Side B)
Conan, Poker 256, Quattro, Indian Poker, Frogs, Verme Pazzo
Cut Off, Flipper 2, Eat!
D-T Copy
Dare Devil Denis, Mermaid Madness, Mercenary, Spooks
Death in the Caribbean (1984)(Microlab)(Side A)
Death in the Caribbean (1984)(Microlab)(Side B)
Death in the Caribbean (1984)(Microlab)(Side C)
Death in the Caribbean (1984)(Microlab)(Side D)
Deus Ex Machina (Side 2)
Devil’s Wheel, Schizofrenia, Ghettoblaster, Miss Pacman
Dia Show 4 – Nuke War
Die Erbschaft, Kettle
Disco n.03B – Manic Manier, Maniccodex, Super Slot, Blitz, Exterminator, Dragonsden, Radar Rat Race, Armageddon, Karate,Mr. Cool
Disco n.05A – Lazy Jones, Havoc, Round About, Bogymen, Climber
Disco n.05B – Spelunker, Glug Glug, Psi Warrior
Disco n.10A -Tombola Parlante, Etarip, P.C. Fuzz, Montezuma, Mag Max, Totoplus, Totocalcio
Disco n.10B – Highnoon (1984)(Ocean)
Disco n.14A – Siege, Grand Prix, Pipes, Tronic Cycle, Retro Ball, Indian Attack, Hanoi, Oil For 64, Football, Kickman, Le Mans,Paratroopers, Ship On The Line, Bonka
Disco n.14B – Hexpert, Catcha-Troopa, Token, Donkey Kong,Vortex Raider
Disco n.15A – Foc Donz, Aquaplane, Star Trek, Cargo Run, Mundial Soccer, Shuttle Escape, Turmoil, Hover Bower, Save New York
Disco n.15B – Kong, Kaktus 1, Carro Armato, Crazy Kong, Black Jack, Dama, Shamus, Burger Time, Scacchi, Skramble
Disco n.16A – Quintic Warrior, Pooyan, Choplifter, Goat,Puc Man, Soccer, Biliardo, Poker, Hunch Back, Dig Dug, Rox 64, Avenger
Disco n.17A – Jumpin Jack, Dartmoo, Mouse Muddle,Grandmaster, Sea Wolf, Ski Race, Lander, Spriteman, Jaw Breaker, Ufo, Skramble
Disco n.17B – M.U.L.E., Flip-Flop, Space Sentinel, Qix
Disco n.18A – Potty Pigeon, Fire Ant, FireQuest, Gyropod, Sinthy-Sample
Disco n.18B – GhostBusters, Wallie goes to Rhymeland, Bruce Lee,Hyper-Hen
Disco n.19A – Solo Flight, Pengo, Haunted House, Oils Well, Wizard Of Wor
Disco n.19B – Jumpman, Speed king [a]
Disco n.22A – Dirty Movie, Jungle Hunt, Artic Shipwreck, Snoopy, Harrier Attac, Jammin, Zeppelin Rescue
Disco n.22B – Bagitman, Gate To Apshai, Serpentine, Bingo, Maggot Mania, Buck Rogers, Flying Feathers, Dino Eggs
Disco n.23A – Star Wars, Gerloc, Wimbledon, Orange 2073, Astro Chas
Disco n.23B – Death Star, Decathlon, Pyramid, Moby Dick, Cavelon
Disco n.33A – In Search of the Most Amazing Thing [a]
Disco n.33B – Dunzhin – Suicide Express – Labyrinth [a]
Disco n.39A – Snokie, Zappy Zooks, Treshold, Squirm, Horace Goes Skiing, Coppa Devis, Atomo
Disco n.39B – Ghouls, On Court Tennis, Scuba Dive, Bug Blaster, Mr. Robot
Disco n.43A – Gun Dogs, Tornado Low Level, Zone Ranger, Hideous Bill
Disco n.43B – Kong II, Jack And The Beanstalk, Countdown, Lord of the Balrogs
Disco n.62A – Murder, Space Taxi, Jump Slalom
Disco n.62B – Wimbledon, Citta’ D’italia, Moon Patrol, Galaxia, Exterminetor, Blue Max, Poker Indiano, Olympic Games 64
Disco n.65A – Donald-Duck, Anter Planter, Space Gunner, Pearl Diver,Legionnaire
Disco n.65B – Bouncing Kamungas, Dungeons Of Ba, Quango
Disco n.72A – Castle Wolfenstein (1983)(Muse Software)
Disco n.72B – The last Gladiator, Jet Set Willy
Disk List 64 e utility
Dragonworld (1984)(Trillium)(Side A)
Dragonworld (1984)(Trillium)(Side B)
Dragonworld (1984)(Trillium)(Side C)
Dragonworld (1984)(Trillium)(Side D)
Dream House (1984)
Easy Print
Eskimo Eddie, Lost Tomb, Fighting Warriors
Explorer, Wonder Boy, Hameleon, Space Duel
Factactics Trivia Games (1984)(Daystar)
Fight Night (1985)(US Gold)(cr Fantasoft)
Fleet System 2 (1985)
Floyd of the Jungle (1984)(MicroProse)(cr)
Fourth Protocol, The (1985)(Hutchinson Computer Publishing)
Frankie Crashed on Jupiter (1985)(Kingsoft)[cr ECA]
Future Writer 2
G.I. Joe (1985)(Epyx)(Side A)[cr GCG]
G.I. Joe (1985)(Epyx)(Side B)[cr GCG]
Gestionali (Lato A)
Gestionali (Lato B)
Giga CAD v1.0 (1986)(Side A)
Giga CAD v1.0 (1986)(Side B)
Goonies, The (1985)(Datasoft)
Gumshoe!, Henry’s House, Phantom Karate Devils, Jungle Hunt, Spike’s Peak, Squish’em
Harvey Headbanger, Boulderdash X, Boulderdash IX, Aftermath, 1942, Zapp!, Catalogo Amiga
Hollywood Poker, Elevator Action, Moonman Demo
Hollywood Poker, Zarjaz
Hot Wheels (1985)(Epyx)
How to use
Hyper Sports, Etarip,Jungle Trouble
Il primo prog in LM
Indiana Jones in the Lost Kingdom – Arabian Nights
Istrogramma, Memory Alfa, Ammortamento, Agenda, Bilancio Familiare
Jetsons, The (1992)(Hi-Tec)(Side A)
Jetsons, The (1992)(Hi-Tec)(Side BS)
Just Image (Side A)
Just Image (Side B)
Kobyashi Naru, Break It, Krackout, Hacker, Four Crows
Law of the West (1985)(Accolade)(Side A)
Law of the West (1985)(Accolade)(Side B)
Lo Stivale, Quale Progr Vuoi, Boxe, Godzilla, Hardhat Climber, Fallshirm, A Super Golf, Reversi, Bosco Incantato, Slot Machine, Patratropers, Sodoma, U Boot 26, Poker, Cruci Puzzle, Tombola Napoleta, Frogs
Lynx 9, Pink Panther, The Open, The Big Deal, Superkit0, Compressor
Mail Order Monsters (1985)(Electronic Arts)(cr Fantasoft)
Masquerade (1984)(-)
Masquerade (1984)(a)
Master Composer (1983)(Access Software)
Metropolis Utility
Mickey Mouse Space Adventure (1988)(Sierra)(Side A)
Mickey Mouse Space Adventure (1988)(Sierra)(Side B)
Miner 2049’er, Spy Vs Spy, Mr Robot, Konk 64
Music 64 WersiBoard-Sequencer (1985)(Wersi)
Neptune’s Daughter, Hard Hat Mack, Snokie, Arctic Shipwreck, Pyjamarama
Operation Frog (1984)(IPS)
P.C. Fuzz, Cohen’s Tower, Waterline, Toy Bizarre, Rootin Tootin, Frogger II
Peso Misurato e utility italiane
Pharaoh’s Curse, Crystal Castles, Dragonhawk, Sorcery
PHM Pegasus (1987)(Electronic Arts)(Side A)
PHM Pegasus (1987)(Electronic Arts)(Side B)
Pirates of the Barbary Coast (1986)(Starsoft)[cr UCF]
Pit Stop, Pitstop II, Decathlon,Track & Field, Match Point
Poker Sam (1983)(Don’t Ask Software)
Porno Disk #2
Print Master (1985)
Psychdelic, Western Demo, User-Pack
Pub Poker, Miami Dice
Rescue on Fractalus!, Rocket Roger, Captain Starlight, Zaxxon, Attack of the Mutant Camel
Ring Of Power, Choplifter, Beach Head, Juice, Seawolf, Annihilator, Gridrunner, Star Trek
Run for Diamonds (19xx)(a)
Run for Diamonds (19xx)
Scarabaeus (1985)(Ariolasoft)[cr Florasoft]
Skooldaze, Underworlde, Boulder Dash II, Stringer
Soccer, Robotron, Football 2000, Il Coniglio, The Castle
Solo per adulti
Staff of Karnath – Entombed
Stallone Preview, Expling Fist III, Trap Door, Mikie
Strip Poker – Marlena e Candi (1984)(Artworx Software)
Summer Games (1984)(Epyx)
Super Bunny (1984)(Datamost)
Swiss Family Robinson, Steel Rat, Master Of Lamp
Sword Of Fargoal, Quak Attack, Laserzone, Solar Fox, Star Post, Bomb Jack
Talking Teacher (1985)(Imagic)(Side A)
Talking Teacher (1985)(Imagic)(Side B)
Tass Times in Tonetown (1986) (Activision) (Side A)
Tass Times in Tonetown (1986) (Activision) (Side B)
Test Soft Dany
The Art Studio
The Body in Focus (1985)(Neosoft)
The Great Maine to California Race
The Mediator (1985)
Tir Na Nog, Tom, Legend of the Knucker-Hole
Tour de France (1985)(Activision)(fr)(cr)
V Solar System, Macchine, Sintetizzatore, Istogrammi 3D, Mappa Europea, Vocabolario 64, Playfyl Professor, Bingo Match
View to a Kill, A (1985)(Domark)[cr DD]
Westend Girl
Who Dares Wins, Dragon’s den, Moon Patrol, Lazarian, Cosmic Tunnels, Gyruss
Wingmore Artist64 v1.00
Winter Games (1985)(Epyx)(Side A)(cr)
Winter Games (1985)(Epyx)(Side B)(cr)
Wizard (1984)(Progressive Peripherals & Software)
World Class Leaderboard (1987)(Access Software)(Side A)[cr UCF]
World Class Leaderboard (1987)(Access Software)(Side B)
World Cup Managager, Superstar Challene, Way.Of Expling Fist, Pole Position
Zork II – The Wizard of Frobozz (1983)(Infocom)
Zork III – The Dungeon Master (1983)(Infocom)
Zorro, Archon III, Las Vegas-Ii, White Viper
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